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Apply for a studio

Having a studio with Yorkshire Artspace makes you a part of one of the largest creative communities in the UK.

We exist to find and nurture talented artists and makers in all their diversity, support their professional careers, and offer creative opportunities to people in Sheffield. Our artists and makers benefit from access to secure, well-maintained facilities with 24/7 access, plus a profile on our artist directory and access to our professional development programme of talks, crits and 121 advice.

We strive for a 50:50 balance of contemporary craft and visual art within our studios, and a result our creative community is unique, diverse and useful to be part of. As a membership organisation, studio holders are able to attend our Annual General Meeting and in addition we run frequent consultation to inform our work.


See below for current and upcoming studio availability.

Artists and makers on our studio mailing list will be notified when a studio is available and invited to view the space. After viewing the space, you will be invited to submit an Expression Of Interest (EOI) via Google Forms. We are also happy to accept this in handwritten format or as video or audio recordings.

The EOI form requires a short cover letter outlining your practice and need for the space, and a link to your website and/or social media. This is where we will look to see images of your work and learn about your projects and achievements. Please ensure your web presence is up to date and reflects your current practice.

Staff will review all expressions of interest and offer the space to the artist/maker who most strongly embodies our criteria. In the event that two or more applicants are closely matched, we will consider need for the space and prioritise applicants who are currently underrepresented at Yorkshire Artspace.

We are looking for:

  • Artists and makers who will make regular use of the studio;

  • Work that is contemporary, unique, or demonstrates a high level of skill/craftsmanship, or otherwise shows promising potential;

  • Artists and makers who are demonstratively pursuing professional practice, which could include but is not exclusive to: showing work in galleries, selling work, appearing in publications, undertaking residencies or artist development programmes, securing project funding, working to commission;

  • An online presence, e.g. dedicated website, social media profiles and/or newsletter to support the pursuit of professional practice;

  • Active involvement in our creative community, e.g. attending events and socials, participating in our annual Open Studios weekend, engaging with our consultation.

Together, your expression of interest and online presence should collectively illustrate how you meet the above criteria.

Regrettably, due to the high levels of interest we receive, we are unable to provide feedback.

To join the studio mailing list, book a viewing on an available space, or ask any other questions about our studio allocation process, please contact



There are currently (0) studios available at Persistence Works.



There are currently (0) studios available at Exchange Place Studios.
